Growers are reminded that now is a good time to soil sample but not only for nutrition for next year’s crop but also to see what levels of Pachymetra exist on blocks that are going into fallow. Pachymetra Root Rot is a root disease caused by a fungus which can impact...
Recently we have had a week of Fallow crop meetings. We started with the MIP project staging a Mixed species fallow crop meeting which included local growers, resellers, TSL, TCPSL, SRA and T.R.A.P consulting joining forces with the MIP and WTSIP staff to give growers...
It is coming up to that time of year when soil sampling can commence in preparation for the next sugarcane crop cycle and successful legume fallow rotation crops. Soil sampling is one of the basic tools we use to work out what the crop needs to grow. The sugarcane...
With planting in full swing it is coming up to the time when new seed cane is planted for next year’s commercial planting. One of the critical decisions growers have to make is which varieties to propagate? Clean seed for planting is critical, especially to manage the...
We are now starting to see real improvement in the 2020 crop with a steady increase in CCS and t/ha on a daily basis. Having more than one variety with early and late CCS is important for the district. The trials to determine which of the new and newer varieties are...
An example of the results from the fungicide at planting demo in 2017 which shows both Sinker and Tilt are good replacements for Shirtan. Results for 2016 and 2018, all from El Arish were similar This time of year is a critical one for cane planting and...
It is planting time in Tully and despite the recent wet weather some planting has occurred. Generally though most planting will happen after the “show weekend” being the end of July. Sugarcane is planted as billets or “setts”, small pieces of cane usually about...
One of the other big events that has commenced over the past fortnight is the local trial work with new varieties. As we have said many times SRA breed the varieties but here locally we fine tune the local recommendations through a series of trials with growers...
One of the key strategies the Tully sugar industry is working on, through the Tully Variety Management group with SRA, is to find out as quickly as possible which of the new varieties will work best in the various sub districts of the Tully sugar industry. Tully Sugar...