The health and safety of our employees at work is our company’s highest priority.
At Tully Sugar, we conduct ourselves in accordance with our 4 Core Behaviours – Safe, Team Player, Integrity and Productive.
With these in mind, we strive to minimise our workplace and our environmental impact to ensure our people remain safe and return home each day to their family and friends in the same condition as they were when they arrived to commence the working day.
The health and safety of our people at work is our Company’s highest priority. Safety before production is our motto.
Tully Sugar Limited recognises its obligations under legislation to ensure the health and safety of all our workers, our contractors and the general public who interact with our operations. We work to provide a safe and healthy workplace by adopting the Risk Management methodology, specifically:
- Identify hazards
- Assess risks
- Control risks
- Review control measures
Our people participate in regular workgroup meetings where safety issues are discussed and solutions identified. The Company invests heavily in training and infrastructure to help ensure our people have the skills and equipment necessary to carry out their duties safely and productively. We have employed full time dedicated Health and Safety Staff since 1997 to ensure our obligations are met. Seven Health and Safety Representatives have been elected by our workforce contribute in ensuring our workplace operates safely.

Tully Sugar Limited is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Chinese agribusiness company COFCO. We operate one of the largest sugar mills in Australia based in the regional township of Tully, located on the Bruce Highway in Far North Queensland.
Office Phone: +61 7 4068 4777