Tully Sugar Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Chinese agribusiness company COFCO.
We operate one of the largest sugar mills in Australia based in the regional township of Tully, located on the Bruce Highway in Far North Queensland. Tully is famous for its high rainfall as celebrated by the town’s giant “Golden Gumboot”.
Our principal activity is the milling of sugar cane to produce raw sugar of internationally recognised high quality. All our sugar is exported. Molasses is produced as a by-product of the sugar extraction process and is a valuable cattle feed supplement. The molasses we produce is sold into both the domestic cattle feed and the international markets.
Tully Sugar Limited seeks to continue to be a leader in the manufacture of quality products from sugar cane, and pursues growth opportunities that maximise the benefits for all stakeholders.



Tully Sugar Limited employs a wide range of people using their skills in cane railway operation, process operation and the provision of services. Many of our people hold multiple skills, which are called upon at different phases of our annual production cycle.

Tully Sugar Limited produces raw sugar for export through the Mourilyan Bulk Sugar Terminal. The amount of raw sugar produced each year depends on the quantity of sugar cane available for crushing, the sugar content of that cane and the efficiency with which our operation can extract the sugar.
Years Running
Tonne Per Hour
km's of rail network

Tully Sugar Limited is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Chinese agribusiness company COFCO. We operate one of the largest sugar mills in Australia based in the regional township of Tully, located on the Bruce Highway in Far North Queensland.
Office Phone: +61 7 4068 4777